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Ukwamukelwa kweNhloko yeSikole,

Uyemukelwa eGreenfields Primary School, indawo ekhetheke ngempela yokufunda ndawonye. Ngibe nenjabulo yokufundisa nokuhola izikole kule minyaka engama-20 edlule futhi ngithola injabulo enkulu ukubona izingane nabantu abasha bekhula futhi beba ngcono kakhulu. Ngingathanda ithuba lokuhlanganyela ulwazi lwethu nawe.

Ngiyethemba iwebhusayithi yethu kanye ne-prospectus izokunikeza umbono wempilo eGreenfields. Nginesiqiniseko sokuthi uzoba nemibuzo eminingi mayelana nokubeka imfundo nokunakekelwa kwezingane nentsha esikoleni nakubasebenzi.

Sineqembu labasebenzi engiziqhenya ngalo, likhuthazeka kakhulu futhi lizinikele, lilwela ukuhlinzeka abafundi ngamathuba akhona okukhula nokuthuthuka. Umsebenzi wethu ukuqinisekisa ukuthi sonke sifunda ndawonye, ​​silandela i-Greenfields Trail, - Ukuyala, Ukuzibophezela kanye nempumelelo.

Ukusisekela kulokhu sicela wonke umphakathi wethu ukuthi uzibophezele ku "UMOYA" waseGreenfields umqulu wethu wesikole oveza ukuthi sivumelana kanjani ukufunda ndawonye. Abafundi baseGreenfields Primary bayazuza futhi bathuthuke kahle kakhulu. Sinezindawo ezinhle kakhulu futhi sifisa ukwakha imvelo yokufunda esekela isidingo sabafundi.

UMnu Bila MR
Inhloko yeSikole

Umbono & Umsebenzi Wethu


Wonke umfundi uzizwa ehlonishwa futhi ekhuthazekile ohlelweni lwethu lwezemfundo olusha


  Sizibophezele ukuhlinzeka ngezikole ezisebenza kahle nezesimanjemanje ezenza ukuthi kufundwe futhi kufundwe okusezingeni ukuze kuvikelwe futhi kuthuthukiswe ilungelo lawo wonke umfundi lokuthola imfundo esezingeni, elinganayo nefanele.


  Sihlala sisebenzisa ama-4P ethu, okungukuthi, Ukuhle, Ukugcina isikhathi, Ukuhlonipha kanye nokwazisa.

Umlando Wethu

Isikole samabanga aphansi iGreenfields sasungulwa ngo-2006. Lesi yisikole sikahulumeni esifundazweni saseGauteng. Itholakala endaweni yaseGreenfields okuyindawo eyakhelwe ngokomthetho. Amandla ezikole zabafundi yi-1800, abafundisi abangama-42 kanye nabasebenzi be-PS abayi-9.


Yisona sodwa isikole samabanga aphansi kule ndawo ngakho sesibhalise abafundi abayi-1800 kusuka kwaGrade R - 7, sinothisha abangama-42 kanye nabasebenzi be-PS abayi-9. Ihlukaniswe njenge-quintile one, ayikho isikole ekhokha imali yesikole kanye nesigaba 21. Yisikole esinezilimi eziningi esihlinzeka iS. Sotho, Isizulu kanye ne-Isixhosa


Lesi sikole sinamakilasi angama-36 kanti ngaphezu kwalokho sihlele amakilasi angomahamba nendlwana ayi-7. Isikole sinamalebhu amabili ekhompyutha anamakhompyutha angaphezu kwe-100.


Lesi sikole sinohlelo lokuphakela abafundi baso abaswele. Isikole sondla amaphesenti ayi-100 abafundi ababamba iqhaza ohlelweni lokuphakelwa. Kukhona amabhizinisi ahlukene anikeza abafundi bethu abaswele umfaniswano wesikole. Isikole sinohlelo lwendlu yangasese, ompompi, isikole sibiyelwe kahle futhi ukuphepha kwabafundi kanye nothisha kanjalo nezinsizakusebenza kuyinto ebekwe phambili yithimba labaphathi besikole kanye nesigungu esilawula isikole. Lesi sikole sinesikole isigungu esilawula intando yeningi esikhethwe ngentando yeningi, isikole sisetshenziswa ngumphakathi emisebenzini eyahlukahlukene isigungu esilawula isikole nethimba labaphathi besikole livumele imisebenzi yomphakathi njengengxenye yokubandakanyeka komphakathi nezizathu zobunikazi nezokuphepha.

Our Former Staff Members

Active From January 2006 To March 2022

MRS N MNENE (GRADE 1)_edited.jpg

"This is how I would like to appreciate to Greenfields primary school.  


I have joined Greenfields primary school in January 2006 to 31 March 2022. I thank you to Greenfields primary school staff to give me the opportunity you have given me to be with you. 


You show me love and respect and I have learned a lot from you. Collaboration with my colleagues makes me feel at home and gives me strength.


To the school principal and all SMT members I thank you for your kindness and for being the wonderful, amazing person you are. I know I am blessed to have you in my life.

Keep on the good work guys.


Yours sincerely"​​



Mrs Mnene M.N

Former Foundation Phase Teacher

Active From January 2006 To March 2022


"Appreciation of the time spent at your place of employment is herewith made. It has been thirty eight tedious years that I really feel they were worth their toll. I loved every minute of each day that I spent at your institution. However its time for me to say good bye, as the grass is now spectre grey and I feel there`s a need to for greener pastures.


Allow me to thank you and your pundits on ensuring that on the 20th day of each month my wages in a form salary was deposited into my banking account. You were prompt and regular in payments as it caused you no pain as you qualified it as peanuts with a few raisins. Your monthly electricity bill is three times more than my salary and twice more than your monthly petrol allowance but I soldiered on. Remember your definition of salary is a token offered to the unwise for their silence.


My natural energies has been drained and am incapable to perform any further activity including the conjugal duties. I am glad for the time we spent together and looking forward to seeing you soon.


Kind regards

 SM Langa"​​



Mr Langa S.M

Former Deputy Principal

Active From January 2006 To May 2022


"My stay at Greenfields Primary School


This is how I would like to appreciate my stay at the above mentioned school. I joined Greenfields primary school in 2006 and was fortunate to be amongst the first five that were employed when the school started functioning. 


I would say, working in that school was the most interesting and exciting period throughout my teaching experience. I learnt a lot from the community at large and  came to an understanding that in order for me to enjoy my stay I first needed to understand and appreciate the socio economic and political background of them.


Obviously challenges were there , however they did not stop me from performing my daily deliverables be it in class,staff members and the community.


The support provided to me by the SMT ,SAPS. Metro police when conducting awareness campaigns was immeasurable .


To those wishing to pursue their career at Greenfields Primary, I would say, go for it,that school has a tremendous amount of teachers with experience.


With that having said, thank you so much to my former SMT members, my colleagues i.e

teaching and none teaching staff and finally parents for believing in me in taking care of their offsprings until I exited the system in May 2022. 


Thank you Greenfields Primary School."​​



Ms Mvuleni T.A

Former Foundation Phase Teacher

© 2021 Isikole samabanga aphansi iGreenfields. Ngokuziqhenya kudalwe yi-Smart-Synergy Communications

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